CHANGELOG (many old entries are lost):
fixed the header 404ing on titotube video pages and migrated titotube assets to native server to significantly reduce lag
removed reference to `/characters.html` (non-existent page) from `/characters/braxton` and `/page/pit`
fixed many innocuous file path bugs—e.g. css on `/logan` trying to fetch the cursor image from the wrong path even after being correctly defined in the stylesheet, marvin.exe still pointing to levels on old domain
fixed the oldest bug: fixed character portrait images overflowing and cutting off the right side of some images due to wrong set width (*max-height* still 230px for consistency)
marvin not showing up in character search results for "meat"
made piano ignore all keypresses besides piano notes
fixed the 'sold'/'sold out' signs in the store being clipped inside of the container, making the animation look weird
reduced the use of duplicate/redundant assets, namely texture images and walking sounds
shaved off roughly *26MB* all around by making numerous optimizations to image and sound assets
added a 404 page
added the text "Escapees:" to the previously titleless image box on /page/escapees
added css to make character pages collapse better and be easier to read on smaller screens (1024 still min officially supported width)
set scrollbar color to red and set *#header-container* to *position: fixed* on character pages
revamped `/newhouse/upwards`
updated some css animations
modified referrer-specific logic to `/barbus` and `/game/house`
remade the image on `/newhouse/crew`
changed cody's current image
added a ken page
added a new lore page
made houses on `/store` move across the conveyer belt, and set store items cursor to custom pointer instead of just *pointer*
increased chances of seeing a rare loading screen by + 1% (now 4%)
added opengraph embed pics to `/game/find-brooklyn-guy` & `/index`
set default character portrait image background to black instead of transparent
updated the new house image assets on the index
updated the logo
added two more random-chance events
fixed an issue where the piano sequence would only work using lowercase keypresses
fixed terus not resolving for some users
patched being able to look at the achievement assets directory
locked misery until you've seen the other episodes
migrated and compressed more assets, including the static on the index
made clicking the site version in bottom right of `/menu/` open a popup of this changelog
set the X in the mail inbox to not scroll
migrated Find Brooklyn Guy! from to to resolve 502/503 errors, same for the code which checks if the jeffy piano should be in your mailbox
added the missing eyes texture back to the marvin room terus code
added redundant charleyyy achievement checks due to some users' devices not interpreting the beforeunload event
fixed the box page
fixed the ending in marvin.exe not animating
fixed missing UTF-8 characters in ending c and terus
set cursor to pointer when initialising a code in terus
removed secondary functions in the click the bart page that caused lag on some browsers
changed the achievement *Who's is this?* to *Fuck it, we surf*
added 4 new achievements
made achievements window resizeable
compressed some more video assets
fixed not being able to drag the marvin doll freely on `/game/find-brooklyn-guy` without it getting stuck around the game window (behaviorally identical, it just looked broken before)
added *poiner-events* to the fadeIn animation on some menu pages
fixed the missing font on the music box page
fixed asset preloading on the box page
fixed an issue where navigating back to the computer page would re-start previous javascript scripts & animations
fixed sbl
replaced the floating logan head, marvin doll, and charleyyy jumpscare images with sprite sheets
revamped the loading screen (as `/menu/`)
remade `/newhouse/phone` with a real phone
set *#mailinbox* to *position: fixed* and adjusted subtext font weight
added `/movie/`
moved the firstvisit check to the head of `/index` to reduce the redirect time
migrated terus stuff from to
added a terus code
on category indexes, the respective buttons will be highlighted yellow
made the `/achievements/view` window public
added the box page to the list of pages that can trigger the `Under construction` achievement
recompressed a bunch of large assets
reimplemented old/unused functions to `/cast/pablo`
set the logo back
fixed a bug where the `/index` hyperlink alternatives for `/news` and `/store` would appear under conditions where they weren't necessarily hidden up top, causing links to those pages to be in two places at once for some users redundantly
increased the likelihood of the random intro sequences
fixed the favicon for `movie/misery` pointing to the wrong location
changed several redirects from ** to */*
fixed an issue where using the seekbar on misery caused it to go to frame 0 on chromium browsers
made the logo halloween-themed for the week
added *(max-height: 860px)* to the main page collapsing css from 2.3.15
enforced *min-width: 860px* on all pages (1024x768 is still the minimum-supported canvas size)
adjusted the height of misery
re-compressed misery and cut out the beginning & end
fixed a bug where the MISERY code would show "access forbidden"
migrated to a new server in preparation for the maddenverse
fixed the cursor on `/charleyyy` going behind his head and the header
added Ending C and all of its things
changed some *document.referrer* checks to rely on the *firstvisit* item instead. (fixes some overly strict redirects to the loading screen)
fixed a conflicting class name on `/store` causing elements to appear broken, caused by the previous update
added a `/game/` page
added a new random-chance intro
altered page navigation on the header to become smaller/collapsed based on screen size. (to prevent overflowing and inconsistency)
added fallback code for the marvin doll not loading all of its image assets. (still finnicky, always best to just click
'Reload title screen' if common assets load abnormally)
added new phrases to the loading screen as well as a UID in the top corner
fixed an issue where specifically accessing `/characters/index.html` would break instead of showing `/characters/`
added a hyperlink to view the changelog on `/news`
made header get shorter at 768px height (+ adjusted the search bar on `/characters/` and *#newlook* on `index.html` for this)
added something else
made an html video/audio player for the site
replaced the food that looks good, misery and so great video players with the custom one
embedded cody's song using the custom player
fixed the cursor on the `/cast/logan` page changing to the default cursor around the image
added a search bar to `/characters/` and made the page collapse better
added a changelog and
fixed some issues introduced by the previous changes:
the axe height and "houses" text on the smaller frame have been corrected
added "news" and "store" hyperlinks to the index when the frame is small / when the navigation options collapsed
made it so hovering the mailbox displays an area title like the houses and marvin's corpse
changed `/characters` from a page in the root to a directory. (now displays as `/characters/`)
added side accents to `/index` and `/characters/`
added something else
fixed the cursor on `/charleyyy` going underneath the header^ and charleyyy's face
fixed the game border on `/game/` pages covering the navigation menus in the header
^changed the z-index of the header to 13
a page width smaller than 900px will hide the Store and News buttons to accommodate very small desktop monitors
made the main frame on `/index` collapsible. (a page width of 1080px or smaller shrinks the frame to 820x528—the index can now become as little as 826px wide without overflowing)
fixed being able to access the pit too early by repositioning the droppoint id on pages other than Find Brooklyn Guy!, trying this now does nothing
fixed script errors involving ids being renamed redundantly. (also relevant to the above change)
made it possible to 're-purchase' the non-download items on `/store`
fixed a handful of animation timings being early or late
fixed typing and clicking sounds not playing when in terus
gave function to 2 codes (incl. 1 new code, which is the last of the main 7 'lore' codes)
added two official endings to the site (and bonus stuff)
added a tito page (tbu)
added a better photosensitivity warning / first visit popup (by session)
also added a news section for future updates (tbu)